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The Good News

In a time when the revelations of Essiac and Water curing all manner of disease -- or that Pot Shrinks Tumors -- it is particularly hopeful when some good political news comes along.  In other words, political news that actually suggests that health and wellness may be more open to the possibilities than normal.  This is particularly true concerning the headline news that the Governor of California had signed into law a Health Freedom Bill!  The most populous state in the union, with one of the largest economies in the world, was now “wide open” to naturopaths, homeopaths, nutritionists, et al -- such that these alternative health professionals are now free to offer their services, without harassment!  In the State of California.  It’s a start!  

September 24, 2002, therefore, ranks as a very important date in Health Freedom History. By California Governor Gray Davis signing into law the most important Health Freedom bill in many, many moons -- California SB 577 -- a blow for freedom, slowly being heard around the world, has been realized.   

A small portion of the language of the bill is included below.  To read the bill in its entirety, simply link to: <http://www.californiahealthfreedom.org/documents/our_bill.asp>.  

“(c) The Legislature intends, by enactment of this act, to allow access by California residents to complementary and alternative health care practitioners who are not providing services that require medical training and credentials.  The Legislature further finds that these nonmedical complementary and alternative services do not pose a known risk to the health and safety of California residents, and that restricting access to those services due to technical violations of the Medical Practice Act is not warranted.”

California, the fifth largest stand alone economy in the world, has for some time led the nation in percentage (estimated at 75%) of health care dollars spent on “Alternative Medicine.”  Now, that percentage is expected to increase.  For more information on this and comparable topics, visit <http://www.quackpotwatch.org/default.htm>.


Health and Responsibility         Inexpensive Remedies

Health Tips         Essiac         Water         Pot Shrinks Tumors

Or forward to:

Food for Thought         On the Other Hand

Aspartame         Cow’s Milk         Caffeine         Mental Health



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