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Geometry and Astrology

The aspects of astrology are the angles (the geometry) between two planets as seen from the earth.  Only certain angles are considered important, although close approximations to these angles (what astrologers refer to as being “in orb”) still count very strongly.  There are numerous other aspects, but the natal chart is sufficiently busy that few astrologers go looking for more things to consider.  (It’s pretty complicated as it is.)  The most noteworthy of the different aspects include:  

Conjunctions (Zero degrees):  Basically the planets are very close to one another.  The effect of a conjunctions can be either beneficial or challenging -- depending entirely upon the planets involved.  Jupiter conjunct Pluto can be profoundly transformative, but Saturn conjunct Venus can be very limiting for the true romantic.  

Sextiles (60 degrees):  Sextiles are actively beneficial in the vast majority of situations.  It’s lucky, but you may have buy the lottery ticket yourself.  

Quintiles (72 degrees):  This is seldom discussed, because it’s difficult to find.  (All the other angles are based on 30 degree increments, which is precisely the number of degrees in each sign.)  But from a cyclical point of view (see the Sabian Symbols of Philosophical Astrology), this is an important angle in astrology, and suggests a repetitive quality -- continuing to do the same thing and perhaps expecting a different result (which is how insanity is often defined).  Alternatively, it’s about breaking the cycle, trying a new approach, making a fundamental pivot!  

Squares (90 degrees):  Almost always challenging, forces operating at cross purposes, difficult to content with and basically at odds.  Paranoia, repression, exaggeration.  

Trines (120 degrees):  Passively beneficial.  So pleasant, one might not even notice.  Good luck, peaceful, easy.  

Inconjunctions [also Quincunx](150 degrees):  Difficult to define, illusionary, mystical.  Niggling delusions and compulsions.  Annoying, and sometimes called a Quincunx (which is also annoying).  

Oppositions (180 degrees):  Challenging, but more capable of being dealt with.  It’s a matter of balancing, appreciating the opposite extreme.  Good for growth.  

Note that 270 degrees is equivalent to 90 degrees and is still a square.  The basic rule is that for angles between 180 and 360, subtract the angle from 360 and go from there.

Given this astrological basis for these seven angles (0, 60, 72, 90, 120, 150, and 180), what can be construed in terms of geometry?  The most obvious are the 60 and 120 degree angles (which form the three and six sided plane figures), and the perpendicular, the 90 degree square.  According to the logic of astrological geometry, a six-sided room with equal angles would feel very good, while square rooms (the kind that are easy to build) are not such a good idea.  The five sided (72 degree angle) pentagon is fundamental to Sacred Geometry, so there’s not much of a mystery there.

The more interesting question is why should a planet today making a 60 or a 90 degree angle with the location of a planet in a person’s chart mean very different effects?  

Cells have what might be best described as teeny tiny, directional antenna on the cell walls, which are in a state of constant fluctuation while an embryo is still in the womb.  At birth, and shortly thereafter (a matter of days), these antenna cease their fluctuating existence and lock into place.  Thereafter, these antenna need only feel the impulse of the appropriate signal to notify the cell to contact the blueprints of its DNA and do its thing.  The antenna are basically timing devices for the cell (or its descendants) to be active.   

One theory is that the planets are all interconnected to the cells’ antenna via subtle electromagnetics.  When a planet approaches the point in space where the electromagnetic field around it (on Earth, they include the Van Allen belts, for example) is able to trigger the directional antenna of the cells, the cell checks its DNA blueprints, and physically affects the human host.   

How this could work on a nation is anybody’s guess, but probably via the collective of the people who inhabit the country.  This is especially true of countries where the people are not exactly world travelers -- their location on Earth having remained basically the same for years.  (There is, for example, the art of Astrocartography -- locational astrology.)  

Any more questions?  

Well, if you don’t buy that one, how about the simple geometry of planetary locations with respect to one’s cellular antenna being the causative factor (in lieu of electormagnetic forces).  Mainstream science will likely look askance at that one, but the reality is that no one in mainstream science has been able to figure out how geometry, in and of itself, can make anything happen.  What we’re advocating is the idea of geometry being a causative factor, causing action-at-a-distance without the standard intermediaries of electromagnetic or gravitational forces.  Mainstream science has no idea how that could happen.  [But then again, mainstream science still hasn’t figured out how gravity and electromagnetism work either.  They have theories, but nothing that can be conclusively proven.]  

To better buttress the idea of geometry having an effect, it’s time to check out A Book of Coincidences which show how the planets are geometrically connected.  Note in particular that the orbits and sizes of the Earth and Mercury are both connected via a five pointed star.  [Mainstream science has no clue as to why!]  The same is true of Earth and Saturn, but uses a thirty pointed star (corresponding roughly to Saturn’s orbital period).  If the planets themselves are following some subtle (or not so subtle -- just difficult for mainstream science to identify) influence whereby their very orbits are geometrically determined, why wouldn’t they effect the small physical bodies of individuals!  

There is also something in astrology called the North and South Node (aka the Dragon’s Head and Tail).  The nodes refers to the two points where the moon’s orbit crosses the plane of the Earth’s orbit.  The nodes do not even constitute a real object -- no mass or anything material -- just two mathematical points, 180 degrees apart.  Astrology considers the North Node to be the destiny (or dharma), or where a person is going.  The South Node is where they came from, often their karma.  [While such thoughts may offend one’s dogma; sadly enough, it is often one’s karma which runs over one’s dogma.]  

The geometrical fact is that it is not the Moon and Earth interaction, but the geometry of their motions which is in interaction.  It is the geometry doing its thing.  Assigning cause to geometry might seem extreme, but its effect is real.  Which implies that its cause is real (not to mention just, honorable, and so forth and so on).  

Geometry represents the underlying laws of the universe, and astrology is one of the tools or effects.  They cannot be separated.  Sorry about that.  Try to get over it.  



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